Saturday, December 01, 2007

Hin Dueng

Hin Dueng is a small submersed reef some 50 miles south of Phuket. It is now receovering from a recent bout of dynamite fishing which desimated both coral and fish life.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Koh Bon

Koh Bon is small granite outcrop north of Similan Islands in the Indian Ocean. For some reason it is a particular favourite of Manta Ray so if your heading to Koh Bon your likely to see some serious marine life.
The north east reef is happily now recovering from previous dynamite fishing that decimated both coral and fish life. Increasing amounts of staghorn coral provides a perfect environment for nursery fish.

Monday, October 01, 2007

East of Eden

This exquiste reef would not have been out of place in the Garden of Eden. As it happens its was found just east of there.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Shark Point - Phuket, Thailand

Fish soup but no sharks, so why the name. FOTW ask those awkward questions that many divers just could not be bothered to ask.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Matamanoa, Fiji

A quick glimpse of the undersea life in the South Pacififc. It would appear that the fish were all on vacation when this picture was taken. Thanks to FOTW friends Kate and Gareth for this one.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Deep Six

Once again we are in Thailand for this months reef. Deep Six is a collection of large granite boulders sitting on a gently sloping sandy bottom starting at around 25m. Here we see a couple of sweetlips hovering under a large table coral.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Christmas Point

These little spiral darlings seem to flourish on this particular reef in the Similans. Get to close and ZIP, they have disappeared into a little hole in the coral. The patient amongst us who have sufficient control of their buoyancy will no doubt be still around a minute or two latter to watch them tentatively re-emerge.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Elephant Rock

Topside and below the waterline. From this angle it is clear why it has got the name. What you dont get told about is that from thirthy metres to the left the elephant rock looks more like a guinnea
pig. Who said diving was a macho sport ?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

East of Eden, Similan Island No 7

East of Eden certainly lived up to its name. Here Brian the videographer captures images of one of the many shoals of reef fish.